Wearable movement analysis solution

Podosmart is a solution for healthcare professionals to improve the clinical assessment of patients with different mobility disorders. Composed of 6 pairs of insoles connected to a mobile application, Podosmart allows for objectively measuring the walking and running of your patients, in real-world conditions, anywhere.

No credit card required - 100% Free

PodoSmart, analyse de la marche et de la course
Partenariat évaluation clinique

Objective data of movement analysis

Améliorez l'évaluation de la mobilité de vos patients en mesurant des données biomécaniques objectives ne pouvant être observées à l’œil nu. Les résultats sont traduits en données cliniquement utiles afin de compléter et orienter l'examen du praticien pour qu'il puisse proposer le traitement le plus adapté.

Données objectives analyse des mouvements
Paramètres spatio-temporels marche et course

Follow-up of the evolution and rehabilitation programs

Compare the parameters over time during a patients’ activity. The solution provides immediate biofeedback and allows to follow the recommended exercises.

Measurement of spatiotemporal parameters

  • Metrics: variabilité, symétrie, gaitline, ratio de propulsion

  • Cinématique: angle de pronation/supination, angle de progression du pas, fauchage, clearance

  • Spatio-temporal: vitesse, cadence, vitesse et longueur du cycle, durée de l'oscillation, vitesse de propulsion, double contact, durée de contact

Fiche patient enrichie

PodoSmart® integrate an enriched patient card and an intuitive activity analysis process allowing practitioners to centralize all information for each patient: Pathology, reason for consultation and medical history, location and level of pain, walking aid support and type of shoe.

Information that provide a global and detailed view of the patient's condition but also a better follow-up over time.

PodoSmart semelles connectées
PodoSmart semelles connectées

Simple and easy to use!

Easily perform a run or gait assessment with no loss of preparation time: there are no adhesives, elastic bands or clips. Just put the smart insoles in your patient’s shoes and get started!

La précision d'un laboratoire en conditions réelles

Accurately assess a patient’s running or walking profile in your own clinic or outside within minutes without the need for an analytical laboratory or expensive equipment. PodoSmart is simple to use, mobile, portable and cost-effective.

Application web pour professionnels de santé
Analyse biomécanique en clinique

Analyse dans votre clinique, sur un tapis de course ou à l'extérieur

Analyze patients’ running and walking data in real-life conditions, whether inside your clinic, on a treadmill, or outside with their daily shoes on.

Partage des résultats lors de la consultation

Engage your patient during the consultation by presenting the activity results in a simple way directly on the software. Comment on the results and export a PDF analysis that you can share with the patient or with other healthcare professionals.

Analyse de la marche et course export .pdf
Application web responsive, podologues et kinésithérapeutes

Affichage des résultats sur tablette, ordinateur ou smartphone

Facilitate your activity by using a solution adapted to your work environment. Simply perform a gait or run analysis, wherever you are and view the results on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Ils témoignent

Podologue Gill Newhouse

“We increased our fee for biomechanical assessment from £90 to £150. We have also seen an 83% increase in the number of biomechanical assessments booked.”

Gill Newhouse

Podiatrist – UK

Podologue Gia Phong Yann Lee

“With PodoSmart, my analyses are much more accurate because patients walk naturally in my office – which is not always the case with conventional treadmills – and I get the results immediately on my iPhone, iPad or computer!”

Gia Phong Yann Le

Podiatrist - France

Podologue Cyril Marchou

“Affordable, very easy to use, adapted to most of our patients, it allows an analysis beyond the walls of our practices.”

Cyril Marchou

Podiatrist - France

Podologue du sport Fabrice Millet

“Podosmart allows me to have a dynamic quality study. The software is very intuitive and easy to use. With PodoSmart, I can better explain the treatment plan I propose to my patients.”

Fabrice Millet

Podiatrist - France

Comment ça marche ?

Semelles connectées chaussures patient

The practitioner puts the PodoSmart connected insoles in the patient’s shoes.

Activité de marche, course

The patient starts walking or running whether inside the clinic, on a treadmill or outside.
Analyse de l'activité sur l'application web
Once finished, the practitioner can analyze the activity through an easy to use web application.

                    Ready to try a new experience of  

                    tracking and analyzing movements?

                     Pas de carte bancaire nécessaire - 100% Gratuit