An enriched patient card and a rethought activity analysis process 

PodoSmart 2.2 new features 

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Discover the new fetaures of PodoSmart 2.2

PodoSmart® has been updated with an enriched patient card and a rethought activity analysis process allowing practitioners to centralize all information for each patient. Improvements that provide a global and detailed view of the patient's condition but also a better follow-up over time. 

This update enriches the patient records with different elements:

  • Pathology,

  • Reason for consultation and medical history,

  • Location and level of pain,

  • Walking aid support,

  • Type of shoe.

Walking biomechanical parameters


The practitioner will be able to indicate the pathology of the patient with the date on which it was diagnosed to enrich his file.

Reason for consultation and medical history 

In order to complete the analysis of the results after an activity, the practitioner will be able to consult the reason of the consultation and the patient's medical history directly integrated in the file.

Walking disorder evolution
Gait analysis .pdf report

Location and level of pain

The practitioner will be able to add the level of pain as well as its location indicated on a codified body illustration, for a better visibility. He will be able to follow its evolution, session after session, in order to adapt the patient's treatment.

    Walking aid

    The patient's abilities and the aids needed for walking can change and affect the interpretation of locomotion parameters. In this context, the practitioner will be able to specify if the patient uses a walking aid (cane, lifter...) to complete the activity analysis.

    Walking disorder evolution
        Gait analysis .pdf report

        Type of shoe 

        The practitioner will be able to add key information on the type of shoe used which will have a direct impact on the type of support, the level of cushioning and the worn out part. This analysis over time will help the patient choose more suitable shoes for walking or running.

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                    tracking and analysing movements?

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