
Découvrez nos tutoriels pour bien démarrer avec PodoSmart.


                          For an optimal experience, it is best to use the browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari or the latest version of Microsoft Edge.

                          1. Create your account / Log in

                          If you have not yet created a PodoSmart account, please register through the following link: https://app.podosmart.tech/auth/sign-up.

                          If you have already created your account, simply log in through the following link: https://app.podosmart.tech/auth/sign-in 

                          2. Access the interface

                          Once you have created your account, you will be able to configure your kit at any time from the interface by clicking "Start now" at the bottom right of the home page.

                          3. Configuring the Podostation

                          Make sure that your device is connected to your normal / preferred WIFI network. 

                          Go to the configuration page.

                          Then follow these 5 steps:

                              1. Plug your Podostation into the USB port of your computer.
                              2. Click "Start Search".
                              3. Select your WIFI network
                              4. Enter your WIFI password and click "Connect".
                              5. Once the configuration is complete, you can close the configuration tab and return to the PodoSmart interface. It will be automatically updated with the     
                                  equipment management and you will then be able to make acquisitions.

                          Each time you use a different device that is not set up with your Podostation or another WIFI network, you will need to repeat steps 1 to 4 and choose "Connection" at step 5.

                          If your Podostation has already been configured, simply plug your station to the mains or to an external battery. Then, just like when using  your computer, go to https://app.podosmart.tech/  

                          However, if your Podostation is not configured on the WIFI with which you plan to use it, it is necessary to configure it on a computer beforehand and to connect the station with the USB cable.

                          We advise you to use Firefox on Windows et Safari on Mac.

                          1.  Click on Your Account tab at the top right.

                          2.  Then click on the Pen icon corresponding to the information you wish to modify.

                          Click on the icon below located in the top right corner of your screen to log out.


                          You can share a login to use PodoSmart. 
                          The first time, you will need to reconfigure your station.

                          Note: When using an iPhone:It is necessary to stay on the page of the connection sharing of your iPhone. Once the connection is done, you can use your phone normally.


                          We advise you to stay permanently connected to the internet. 



                          a.     Set up your Podostation using a Windows computer.

                          Log in to the PodoSmart interface with your credentials, configure your Podostation in the same way as before. Choose the same wifi network that you will then use on your Mac. 

                          Once the station is configured, you can return to your Mac, the station will be connected to your wifi. You will then be ready to use the product.


                          b.  If you don't have a Windows computer available:

                                                                                        i.   You have an iPhone:

                          1.     Download the Testflight application from the Apple store on your iPhone

                          2.    Once installed, click on this link via your iPhone and download the application: 

                          3.   Then open the application PodoSmart Configurator located on the menu of your iPhone and in this application, click on the button

                          4.      Then click on:

                          The QRCode requested is on the PodoSmart interface, in the page "Your account" then click on "Get the QRCode for the configuration.

                          5.      Turn on the wifi of your phone

                          6.     Then enter the serial number and mac address of your station, this information is written on the back of your station. 

                          7.     Click on "Find my station". The phone will connect to the Wifi network of the podostation, you must not interupte on the Wifi of your phone during this operation.


                          8.     Once the operation is completed, the application prompts you to choose a WIFI network from a list of available networks. Select the WIFI you want to pair with your station and enter the password of your WIFI



                          9.     Your station is now configured. You can return to your computer, connect to the PodoSmart interface. You are ready to use the product.


                                                                                       ii.      If you do not have an iPhone, please contact us at                                      support@digitsole.com

                          We advise you to clear the browser cache and press F5 to refresh the page.
                          If the problem persists, please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.

                          Allez dans l'onglet Paramètres puis dans Langues choisissez la langue désirée :


                            1. Click on the Equipment tab in the menu on the left.

                            2. Then click on + to add a pair of insoles.

                            3. The window "Add a pair of insoles" appears. Enter the code underneath the insoles (without spaces between characters). 

                            4. Click on Save

                            Fenêtre d'insertion du code de votre paire de semelle Podosmart

                            The full charging time of the inserts takes 2.5 hours.
                            The duration of use is 22.5 hours of continuous activity, knowing that a complete activity takes between 2 and 4 minutes or 2400 hours in non-stop sleep.

                            Go to the Devices tab, click on Check status if necessary.
                            The battery level of the left and right insoles will appear.

                            In case of a problem:  

                            1.  The Podostation must be connected in order to check the battery level of your insoles.
                            To make sure, check the status of your Podostation in the Stations section on the top right.
                            This logo  

                            Signal Podostation connecté  means that your Podosation is connected.
                            This logo  Signal Podostation non connecté  means that your Podostation is offline.

                            2. If the PodoStation is not connected ,  Signal Podostation non connecté please look at the section "How do I reconfigure my PodoStation"?

                            If the PodoStation is connected,  Signal Podostation connecté and this symbol appearswhen checking the battery level, it means that the PodoStation does not have access to these insoles. The reasons and solutions for this problem can be:

                            • The insoles are discharged (recharge the)

                            • The insoles are still charging (unplug them to check the battery level)

                                  • The insoles are on standby (shake them or connect/disconnect them)

                                  For faster charge, we recommend to plug the soles directly into a power supply. 
                                  Plugging them into the Podostation to charge them will be less efficient.  

                                  1. To start the update, your insoles must be chargedand saved in the Equipement tab.                                
                                  The orange circle   
                                  at this level indicates the number of updates to be done.
                                  Click on to update the insoles.


                                  2. A new page appears, choose to update one pair or all of them by clicking on Update all.

                                  Make sure that the insoles are charged, unplugged from the USB cable and not in standby mode. To make sure the insoles are not on standby, shake them to wake them up. You can also plug and unplug the insoles. 

                                  If the problem persists, the station may not be connected.
                                  To check if the station is connected, go to the Equipment menu, and check if the Podostation icon is green.
                                  If the station is not available, please refer to the section "How to create an account and configure the Podostation? ».

                                  Make sure that the insoles are charged, unplugged from the USB cable and not in standby mode. To make sure the insoles are not on standby, shake them to wake them up. You can also plug and unplug the insoles. 

                                  If the problem persists, the station may not be connected.
                                  To check if the station is connected, go to the Equipment menu, and check if the Podostation icon is green. 
                                  If the station is not available, please refer to the section "How to create an account and configure the Podostation? ».

                                  The insoles communicate with the device only at the launch of the acquisition and at the end of it. During these two periods, the insoles must be at a maximum distance of two meters from the box.

                                  However, during the acquisition, the insoles keep all the information and transmit it to the Podostation at the end of the acquisition. Therefore, a session can even last outside a medical practice.

                                  Pour charger les semelles il vous faut :

                                  • les semelles

                                  • les câbles blancs à double port micro USB

                                  • la podostation branchée

                                  Branchez les semelles directement à la PODOStation, en prenant soin d'insérer la petite prise USB dans le bon sens dans le port de chargement situé derrière le petit couvercle sur le côté de chaque semelle. Elle peut charger 4 paires de semelles simultanément.

                                  Le temps de chargement est de 2h30 :

                                  • Tenue en utilisation : 22h30 d’activité continue – sachant qu’une mesure complète prend entre 2 et 4 minutes 

                                  • Tenue en inutilisation : 2400h en sommeil non-stop

                                  Photo d'une semelle Podomart en charge

                                  We recommend the use of disposable socks.
                                  The insoles can be washed by hand with soap or another product. .

                                  There are several waste collection points where you can leave your insoles containing used Ion-Lithium batteries.

                                  • Shops which sell batteries have the obligation to collect them for free.   

                                  • Supermarkets, DIY and electronics shops provide recycling containers.    

                                  • Recycling centres are also accredited to collect batteries.     

                                  • City halls, administrations et public places can as well provide collectign points.  


                                  In the Equipment tab, then in the Station section, click on the three small dots next to the name of the Podostation.
                                  Choose Rename, then once the new name is written, save it.


                                  Make sure the station is properly connected to a power source, you should see blue lights flashing from the station.

                                  Make sure the station is connected properly. To do this, go to the Equipment menu, and check if the Podostation is available with a green icon. 
                                  If there is no green icon and the station is connected, try refreshing the page.

                                  If it doesn't work, make sure the configuration has been done correctly. You can reconfigure the station by using the following link: config.podosmart.tech   

                                  If the station has not been configured for an available WIFI, please make sure to do so by following the following link: config.podosmart.tech

                                  Do not forget to reconfigure your Podostation when you change location.  

                                  Following recent updates to Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, you can experiencing issues configuring your Podostation. 


                                  To solve the issue: 

                                      - Use Mozilla Firefox


                                      - Use Chrome, do a small procedure, follow this link: chrome://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests

                                          Disable the option "Block insecure private network requests".    

                                          Choose DISABLED

                                          Restart as proposed.

                                          Then restart the confiuration phase as before.


                                      - Use Edge, do a small procedure, follow this link: edge://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests

                                          Disable the option "Block insecure private network requests".    

                                          Choose DISABLED

                                          Restart as proposed.

                                          Then restart the confiuration phase as before.


                                  If you change the WIFI, it is necessary to configure the Podostation again. 

                                  To reconfigure the Podostation, go to the Equipments tab, then to the Stations section and click on the three small dots next to the station you want to reconfigure. Then click on Re-configure.

                                  The Podostation does not need to be connected to your device.  It only needs to be plugged in for battery power (computer, power outlet, external  battery).  
                                  However, for configuration, the Podostation must be connected to your device.  
                                  Once configured, as long as your device and the station are connected to the same WIFI, there is no need for the station to be connected to the computer. 
                                  Note: If you add a new WIFI ; it is necessary to reconfigure the Podostation and therefore connect it to the device



                                  At the opening of podosmart interface, it takes a few minutes to the station to connect to the WIFI.
                                  During the use if you meet issues of connection we advise you to:

                                  - Check the stability of your WIFI 
                                  - Make shorter acquisitions
                                  - Plug the station to the main power supply
                                  - Check that the station is not in the middle of other cables that could disturb the operation..


                                      Patient Record

                                      1. Click on the Patients tab, then click on New Patient.


                                      2.  Fill out the form. Required fields are marked with *.
                                      Once completed, click on Save.

                                      3. Once the patient is created, you can add a pathology, a reason for consultation and a medical  history.

                                      1.  Click on the Patient tab, then click on the desired patient.

                                      2. To change the patient's personal information such as firstname, surname, weight, address, etc., click on Edit Patient.
                                      By clicking on the pen logos, you will be able to modify the patient's pathology, reason for consultation and his/her medical history. By clicking on Add, you will be able to add a new pathology to your patient.


                                      There are two ways to search for a patient record: the search bar and the filter. 

                                      1.  Method 1:
                                      In the search bar at the top right, write the patient’s name you are looking for, it will appear in the scrolling menu under the bar..

                                       2. Method 2:

                                      Click on the Patient tab, then in the filter, enter the name of the patient you are looking for and it will appear below the filter.


                                      1There are two available solutions to start an acquisition:

                                                  • Go to the Patients tab, select the patient, click on New analysis, choose the acquisition type Run analysis
                                                  •  Start the acquisition directly through the home page, by clicking on New analysis, and select a patient. Finally choose the type of acquisition Run analysis

                                                  2.  In the next window you can add the patient's pain, type of shoe and potential walking aids.
                                                  3. Sélectionnez la paire de semelles avec laquelle vous allez réaliser l'acquisition.


                                                  4. Réglez la durée de l’acquisition et le délai de démarrage de l’acquisition.

                                                  5. Une fois l’acquisition démarrée, votre patient peut courir.
                                                  Si vous le souhaitez, il est possible d’arrêter l’acquisition avant l’écoulement du délai imparti en cliquant sur Arrêter l'acquisition.

                                                  Une fois la course réalisée, demandez à votre patient de revenir à proximité de la station.
                                                  Cliquez sur Arrêter l'acquisition.
                                                  La Podostation va envoyer les données vers nos serveurs pour être analysées.

                                                  Une fois cette étape réalisée, vous serez automatiquement redirigé(e) vers l’analyse de l’acquisition.

                                                  1There are two available solutions to start an acquisition:

                                                    • Go to the Patients tab, select the patient, click on New analysis, choose the acquisition type
                                                      • Start the acquisition directly through the home page, by clicking on New analysis, and select a patient. Finally choose the type of acquisition Run analysis.
                                                    • Démarrer directement l’acquisition via la page d’accueil, en cliquant sur Nouvelle analyse, et sélectionnez un patient. Enfin choisissez le type d’acquisition Analyse de la course.

                                                    2. In the next window you can add the patient's pain, type of shoes shoe and potential walking aids.
                                                    3Select the pair of insoles with which you are going to make the acquisition.

                                                    4. Set up the acquisition time, the start-up time of the acquisition and the speed of the run.

                                                    5. Une fois l’acquisition démarrée, votre patient peut courir. 
                                                    Si vous le souhaitez, il est possible d’arrêter l’acquisition avant l’écoulement du délai imparti en cliquant sur Arrêter l'acquisition.

                                                    Une fois la course réalisée, demandez à votre patient de revenir à proximité de la station.
                                                    5. Once the acquisition is started, your patient can run. 
                                                    If you wish, it is possible to stop the acquisition before the time limit expires by clicking on Stop Acquisition.

                                                    Once the run has been completed, ask your patient to return close to the station. Click on Stop Acquisition.
                                                    The Podostation will send the data to our servers for analysis.

                                                    Once this step is completed, you will be automatically redirected to the acquisition analysis. .

                                                    We advise you to run at a minimum speed of 8 km/h.

                                                    1There are two available solutions to start an acquisition:

                                                      • Allez dans l’onglet Patients, sélectionnez le patient, cliquez sur Nouvelle analyse, choisissez le type d’acquisition Analyse de la marche.
                                                        • Go to the Patients tab, select the patient, click on New analysis, choose the type of acquisition Gait analysis.
                                                        • Start the acquisition directly through the home page, by clicking on New analysis, and select a patient. Finally choose the type of acquisition Gait analysis.

                                                      2. In the next window you can add the patient's pain, type of shoes shoe and potential walking aids.
                                                      3Select the pair of insoles with which you are going to make the acquisition.

                                                      4Once the acquisition is started, your patient can walk. 
                                                      If you wish, it is possible to stop the acquisition before the time limit expires by clicking on Stop Acquisition..

                                                      Once the walk has been completed, ask your patient to return close to the station.
                                                      Click on Stop Acquisition.
                                                      The Podostation will send the data to our servers for analysis.

                                                      Once this step is completed, you will be automatically redirected to the acquisition analysis.
                                                      Si vous le souhaitez, il est possible d’arrêter l’acquisition avant l’écoulement du délai imparti en cliquant sur Arrêter l'acquisition.

                                                      Une fois la marche réalisée, demandez à votre patient de revenir à proximité de la station.
                                                      Cliquez sur Arrêter l'acquisition. 
                                                      La Podostation va envoyer les données vers nos serveurs pour être analysées.

                                                      Une fois cette étape réalisée, vous serez automatiquement redirigé(e) vers l’analyse de l’acquisition.

                                                      1. Click on the Patients tab and then click on the line of the selected patient.

                                                      2You are now on the patient's chart. On the right is the Analysis section.
                                                      Next to the acquisition you wish to delete, you will find three small dots, click on them and choose Delete analysis.

                                                      3. A small window opens up to validate your deletion request.
                                                      If you click on Delete, the acquisition will be permanently deleted..

                                                      Fenêtre de suppression d'acquisition podosmart

                                                      Simultaneous acquisitions are not possible. 

                                                      When you are on the acquisition window, you can click at any time on Stop analysis at the bottom of the window.

                                                      Make sure you have taken more than 10 steps during the acquisition, if so you can stop the acquisition and refresh the web page.
                                                      If the problem reappears, please contact us by sending us the error report.

                                                      Once the acquisition is complete, the report will appear on the screen.
                                                      You can also access the report in the Patients tab, select the patient and the chosen acquisition.

                                                      For walking, by clicking on Angular and the three small dots and then on Detailed results, you will have access to additional results.
                                                      For the run, clicking on Analysis will give you access to additional results.

                                                      Pour la course, en cliquant sur Analyse, vous aurez accès à des résultats supplémentaires.


                                                            Click on a walking or running activity.
                                                            At the top of the activity analysis, click on the three small dots and then click on Interpretations manual

                                                            By clicking on Interpretations manual via a walk analysis, you can download the manual for walking.
                                                            By clicking on Interpretations manual via a running analysis, you can download the manual for running.
                                                            Cliquez sur une fiche patient, puis sélectionnez une activité.
                                                            En haut de l'analyse de l'activité, cliquez sur les trois petits points puis cliquer sur Comparer. 

                                                            Choisissez ensuite l'activité avec laquelle vous souhaitez la comparer.

                                                            Il existe deux façons d'exporter une analyse.

                                                            1. Vous pouvez exporter l'analyse en cliquant sur l'onglet Patients, puis sur la ligne du patient choisi.
                                                            Dans la colonne Analyses à droite, cliquez sur les trois petits points puis sur Exporter pour ainsi avoir accès au PDF. 

                                                            2. Vous pouvez également exporter une activité, directement via l'analyse, en cliquant sur les trois petits points en haut de l'écran puis sur Exporter

                                                            Dans les résultats d'analyse d'une activité, tout en bas des résultats, vous pouvez laisser un commentaire dans la partie prévue à cet effet. 
                                                            Les commentaires inscrits dans cette partie seront sauvegardés. Vous pourrez les retrouver à tout moment avec les résultats de cette activité. 

                                                            Pour laisser un commentaire dans le rapport, une fois celui-ci exporté, vous pouvez laisser un commentaire dans les parties prévues à ces effets.
                                                            Les commentaires inscrits à cet endroit, ne seront pas conservés sur l’interface.
                                                            Vous avez toutefois la possibilité de les conserver en imprimant le rapport, l'envoyant par email au patient et en l'enregistrant en PDF.


                                                            Le site est un site "outil" qui permet de dialoguer avec la station via Bluetooth.
                                                            Aucune information personnelle ou d'authentification n'est utilisée sur cette page. Il n'y a aucun risque.

                                                            Si votre URL lors de la configuration est bloqué, il vous suffit d'aller dans les paramètres de votre antivirus et de débloquer celle-ci.

                                                            Si vous utilisez un VPN, il sera nécessaire de le désactiver car il empêche l'accès à certains services essentiels à l'utilisation de la Podostation.

                                                            Si vous utilisez un Proxy, il sera nécessaire de le désactiver car il empêche l'accès à certains services essentiels à l'utilisation de la Podostation.


                                                             Nous vous conseillons d'utiliser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari ou la dernière version de Microsoft edge.

                                                            En haut de l'onglet de l'export de l'analyse, vous pouvez choisir d'afficher ou non votre adresse Email et/ou votre numéro de téléphone sur le PDF.

                                                            La seule manière d’envoyer directement le compte rendu au client est lors de l’export en cliquant sur Print comme pour imprimer le rapport mais au lieu de sélectionner votre imprimante, choisissez « Enregistrer le format PDF ».
                                                            Vous pourrez ensuite envoyer le PDF par mail à votre client.

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