Choose PodoSmart to support patients towards the future of podiatry
Yann Le Gia is a podiatrist, based in Paris, in the 14th arrondissement, for more than a year now. His idea of his profession and his role is emblematic of the evolution of practices! It is not about treating only the elderly! He wishes to support children, young people or adults who may at some point in their lives need his help. His role therefore extends from simple skin or toenail problems to static and dynamic disorders.
With his feet firmly rooted in the 21st century, Yann Le Gia is the archetype of the podiatrist of the future who is constantly evolving his profession to be by his patients’, to support the progress of the youngest and by helping the ederly to maintain their autonomy and balance. He gives us now some information on his practice:.

With PodoSmart, my analyses are much more accurate because patients walk naturally in my office – which is not always the case with conventional treadmills – and I get the results immediately on my iphone, ipad or computer!
Posturology is essential to maintain orthostatic balance during standing and movement, regardless of the age and state of health of the patients. It is therefore a discipline widely studied by podiatrists. In fact, beyond the traditional care provided, the profession is working to perform the most modern and efficient examinations to offer the best treatments to patients. As part of these examinations, the use of connected insoles can prove to be an incomparable means of helping with diagnosis and treatment.
Posturology is essential to maintain orthostatic balance during standing and movement, regardless of the age and state of health of the patients. It is therefore a discipline widely studied by podiatrists. In fact, beyond the traditional care provided, the profession is working to perform the most modern and efficient examinations to offer the best treatments to patients. As part of these examinations, the use of connected insoles can prove to be an incomparable means of helping with diagnosis and treatment.
In what context do you precisely analyze walking?
Very often, I analyze suffering patients. A pain when walking or running. In that situation, as soon as a patient expresses his/her problem to me, I do a static and dynamic analysis! I want to identify all the disorders so it is therefore important for me, to observe them walking naturally in my office to make a diagnosis that is as accurate as possible and then consider a treatment plan and the design of soles in particular.
Very often, I analyze suffering patients. A pain when walking or running. In that situation, as soon as a patient expresses his/her problem to me, I do a static and dynamic analysis! I want to identify all the disorders so it is therefore important for me, to observe them walking naturally in my office to make a diagnosis that is as accurate as possible and then consider a treatment plan and the design of soles in particular.
Do you use analysis tools in your activity? If yes, which ones?
I see myself as a practitioner rooted in his time; that is to say I inquire about all novelties and I study the products that are on the market. Even if I am eager to use new digital products, I remain very precautious and I always bear in mind the advantages of the product and the quality for my patients! I do not give in to all the sirens of modernity! For instance, 3D soles have not yet convinced me.
I see myself as a practitioner rooted in his time; that is to say I inquire about all novelties and I study the products that are on the market. Even if I am eager to use new digital products, I remain very precautious and I always bear in mind the advantages of the product and the quality for my patients! I do not give in to all the sirens of modernity! For instance, 3D soles have not yet convinced me.
Do you use PodoSmart® and why?
I want to provide a quality work and when I choose a tool, I have in mind the interest for my patient. Using PodoSmart® corresponds to the modern idea I have of my job: which is to offer innovations that help my patients and my practice every year. PodoSmart® is a revolution for me, it changes my exercise and I am very proud to be the first Parisian firm office to offer it! With this tool, my analyses are much more accurate because the patients have a natural walk in my office – which is not always the case with conventional treadmills – and I immediately get the results on my iphone, my ipad or my computer!
I want to provide a quality work and when I choose a tool, I have in mind the interest for my patient. Using PodoSmart® corresponds to the modern idea I have of my job: which is to offer innovations that help my patients and my practice every year. PodoSmart® is a revolution for me, it changes my exercise and I am very proud to be the first Parisian firm office to offer it! With this tool, my analyses are much more accurate because the patients have a natural walk in my office – which is not always the case with conventional treadmills – and I immediately get the results on my iphone, my ipad or my computer!
How do you interpret the analysis results?
I analyze the results from the application and I transcribe them in a report that I send to the patient. My idea is to take advantage of online tools, graphics and statistics over time, to participate at my level in the overall etiological care of my patients. They can then take with them the analysis results and present them to the healthcare professionals around them.
I analyze the results from the application and I transcribe them in a report that I send to the patient. My idea is to take advantage of online tools, graphics and statistics over time, to participate at my level in the overall etiological care of my patients. They can then take with them the analysis results and present them to the healthcare professionals around them.
What can you tell us about the biomechanical data measured by the interface?
I particularly pay attention to this is essential to observe the duration of the contact phases. With the PodoSmart® interface these data are visually transmitted and I can show my patients whether they are in the “green” zone or not.
The angles of attack of each step phase or the trajectory of the center of pressures on each foot are also extremely interesting because these are the data that speak to the patient. The patient can see by himself whether things are changing over time.
During the follow up session with the patient, I do the tests again with the connected insoles and I see if my treatment is effective or not. If everything is working, you can see it in the walking speed, the propulsion ratio, the right balance between the two legs or the line of gravity. This allows me to know if the treatment is appropriate or if I need to design the insoles again to optimize his/her treatment.
Certain pathologies can nevertheless be more difficult to evaluate, such as patients with a hip prosthesis
I particularly pay attention to this is essential to observe the duration of the contact phases. With the PodoSmart® interface these data are visually transmitted and I can show my patients whether they are in the “green” zone or not.
The angles of attack of each step phase or the trajectory of the center of pressures on each foot are also extremely interesting because these are the data that speak to the patient. The patient can see by himself whether things are changing over time.
During the follow up session with the patient, I do the tests again with the connected insoles and I see if my treatment is effective or not. If everything is working, you can see it in the walking speed, the propulsion ratio, the right balance between the two legs or the line of gravity. This allows me to know if the treatment is appropriate or if I need to design the insoles again to optimize his/her treatment.
Certain pathologies can nevertheless be more difficult to evaluate, such as patients with a hip prosthesis
What have been the benefits of PodoSmart in your daily activity?
I want to be the podiatrist of the future, that is to say that I want to offer optimized treatment protocols thanks to new technological tools!
Thus, a tool like PODOSmart® allows me to boost my image, to distinguish myself and to show my patients that I am always looking for the best! I also don’t hide from explaining to them why I don’t take this or that innovation in my office: you have to be transparent so that they are convinced that I have chosen the best tools for my practice and their treatment.
I already have feedback from patients who talk about it and who send me their knowledge. My experience combined with technology allows me to offer everyone an optimized etiological treatment.
I want to be the podiatrist of the future, that is to say that I want to offer optimized treatment protocols thanks to new technological tools!
Thus, a tool like PODOSmart® allows me to boost my image, to distinguish myself and to show my patients that I am always looking for the best! I also don’t hide from explaining to them why I don’t take this or that innovation in my office: you have to be transparent so that they are convinced that I have chosen the best tools for my practice and their treatment.
I already have feedback from patients who talk about it and who send me their knowledge. My experience combined with technology allows me to offer everyone an optimized etiological treatment.
Are there benefits for the patients?
Obviously! Patients understand much better their diagnosis and their future treatment when we look at their results together – I explain everything to them from the analyses which are presented in a very visual way and I insist how I consider the correction of their disorders. They understand and agree to the treatment, which is essential for its compliance!
What kind of advice would you give to a colleague who would like to buy this solution?
Obviously! Patients understand much better their diagnosis and their future treatment when we look at their results together – I explain everything to them from the analyses which are presented in a very visual way and I insist how I consider the correction of their disorders. They understand and agree to the treatment, which is essential for its compliance!
I would say that vis-à-vis the patients this tool is essential: it the patient will be able to see and to understand what is wrong with, for instance, his balance, contact phases or even his propulsion ratio.
Also, in my discussions with other practitioners, this tool deliver thorough and detailed reports which make it possible to all the skills and scope of our profession in a simple and analytical way to to offer a global an efficient care of the patients.
I already see the positive effects of this tool on my practice, exchanges with patients are facilitated, agreement with to the treatment is reinforced and my discussions with colleagues are optimized!
I would say that vis-à-vis the patients this tool is essential: it the patient will be able to see and to understand what is wrong with, for instance, his balance, contact phases or even his propulsion ratio.
Also, in my discussions with other practitioners, this tool deliver thorough and detailed reports which make it possible to all the skills and scope of our profession in a simple and analytical way to to offer a global an efficient care of the patients.
I already see the positive effects of this tool on my practice, exchanges with patients are facilitated, agreement with to the treatment is reinforced and my discussions with colleagues are optimized!